*For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. Romans.8.14(NKJV)*
You are a child of God and you must live in the ordinance of the Spirit. Everyday throughout the day.
Whether you feel Him or not He is there on the inside of you. Be conscious of Him.
He is the Spirit by which we have witness within us that we are children of God and that we have been given the fellowship with Him.
As many as are led of the Spirit they are sons of God. You can’t be led of the Spirit of God and you be ordinary. There must be something supernatural about your life that is different from those of the world because you have been born of the incorruptible seed. Therefore you have the very nature of God in you.
Refuse to be general child of God. Start the school of the Spirit as early as possible. Start practicing early so that you won’t make mistakes. Accept the training of the Spirit of God. The earlier the better since you will be perfecting your way in Christ and won’t make mistakes at 40 that you could have made at 23 if you had started at 40years.
Practice how to do God’s word. Seek to be involved in the church. If opportunity doesn’t exist create it. Encourage the work of God in your life. Let your light shine so bright.
You were born to change the world ,to change things, to impart the generation. The early church did it’s part and now it’s your turn. We cannot fail Christ. ” _Don’t quench the Spirit of God_ .” 1 _Thessalonians 5:19._
The world needs witnesses of Christ, passionate for Christ and full of love for Christ. Nothing less.Peter , Paul will not preach to your generation. Where is the Peter, Paul, James of our day?
Today’s generation must have a voice and that voice is you . If you walk with the HolyGhost, He will walk with you and you will never be ordinary.
*Further Study;*
1 Peter 1:4
Mathew 5:16
Gal 3:26-27
You are not an ordinary Christian. You are born of the incorruptible seed of the word of God and led of the HolySpirit. If the God in you is not ordinary you can’t be ordinary.
Lord Jesus I thank you for your Grace and Spirit that guides me all my life.May you manifest yourself in me that men may see you and glorify you which is in heaven. In Jesus name Amen
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