*Theme scripture*
*Philippians 3:8*
_Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ_
Paul must have seen something infinitely amazing in knowing God to come to such a huge conclusion. It isn’t the first time we see such a scenario as over in *Matthew 13:44-46* _the parable of the Hidden treasure and pearls_ we see a man such as Paul, he found this treasure or pearl and sold off all he had just to buy it and God who is the word is a treasure ( knowledge and wisdom) *Colossians 2:3*
The bible says over in *Proverbs 4:7* that _getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can ever do_…,and just in *vs 6* of *Proverbs 4* it says _Don’t turn your back on wisdom, for she will protect you, love her and she will guard you._ Amen. Hallelujah. Today choose to pursue wisdom above all things, *_that’s the wisest thing you will ever do in life according to scripture_*, she’s too precious, she can guard you in all areas be it finances, family, relationships, work etc that’s why Paul said that in *Philippians 3:8* and that’s why the parable of the pearls is given, to show us how important knowing God is. When you know God ( His word ), then apply it everywhere and that’s how you see result. The Word I believe helps us cheat the exam of life
Father we adore you, you’ve surely not left us as orphans but you availed us with everything in your Word to go through life in unending victory. Amen
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