*Theme Scripture*
*Romans 12:2*
_And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what [is] that good and acceptable and perfect will of God._
Praise King Jesus! From our theme scripture, Paul is encouraging us as the Body of Christ not to conform to this world’s Standards for we are not of this world ( *John 17:16* ). _What are some of the standards of this world?_ Poverty, sickness, Depression, Failure are among the many that can be cited out.
The scripture continues to say that the way we don’t conform to these standards is *NOT* by closing ourselves in doors to avoid them or doing good some works not even through Prayer but rather through the *”Renewing of our Minds”* to start to prove the good, acceptable and Perfect will of God. There are places only Knowledge can deliver you from permanently. The bible says ” *Renew* ” as to mean you don’t need to ask for a New mind in your soulish realm.
To best understand that, else where in scripture the bible says we (Born Again Believers) carry the mind of Christ ( *1 Cor 2;16* ) in our born again Spirits and all is left is to renew the Soul with what is already in your Spirit through the Knowledge of our lord Jesus Christ who is the Word ( *John 1;13* ). So take advantage of that which you have been born of and Renew your soulish mind.
Are you tired of some of this World’s Standards? Sit down and start to renew your mind the place of your intellect with the Truth’s of God’s Word concerning the Standard your in. As a matter of fact, bible continues to say *John 17:16-17* ” *_They are not of the world_* , just as I am not of the world. *_Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth_* .”…Oh Praise God
*Further Study*
1 John 2;15
Colossians 3:2
John 8;32
_Are you tired of some of this World’s Standards? Sit down and start to renew your mind the place of your intellect with the Truth’s of God’s Word concerning the Standard your in._
We bless you Spirit of God because you are our Teacher and have taught us how we can renew our Minds through your Word. We love you in Jesus’ Name Amen
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