*Study scripture*
*Luke 15:29-30*
_So he answered and said to [his] father, ‘Lo, these many years I have been serving you; I never transgressed your commandment at any time; and yet you never gave me a young goat, that I might make merry with my friends. But as soon as this son of yours came, who has devoured your livelihood with harlots, you killed the fatted calf for him.’_
Our theme Scripture is taken right from the parable of the prodigal Son (luke 15:11-32) and in this we see two sons one wasted His father’s wealth on extravagant living whereas another stayed to serve his father. The two sons can help us appreciate God’s current dealing of Man in this dispensation.
The older son who hadn’t asked for his inheritance when he saw how His Father treated the younger son after his return with all these celebration and calf cutting, gift giving was really grieved in His spirit, its understandable. How come his Father had never done anything for him after all his years of faithfulness and service to him?
But you see this son is symbolic of *”Sons of the Old Covenant”* by this I mean legalists. Yes, they have Jesus in them, they are legit sons but still look at their good deeds and works as something that makes them acceptable, better than others and qualifies them the father’s love; God. The legalist; the sons of the old covenant doesn’t like it when Grace is extended to the prodigal it always upsets them because they’ve based God’s love and acceptance on their good deeds which is not God’s current dealing with His children. You maybe the worst of the worst, the chief of the prodigals and yet have God always ready to accept, love and welcome you back with zero fluctuation in His love.
Have you in the past been a Child of the Old and you were just Anti-Grace, you fill rubbed the wrong way when you see the lost sons being endowed with Grace which is God giving them what they don’t deserve, and sometimes you’ve even felt bad and asked the same questions the older son asked, then its time you sought a change in heart. Away with the old, behold the New as come and this is the New that God loves us and is ready to accept and celebrate as as if we had never sinned and that His love towards us has nothing to do with our deeds good or bad.
_Away with the old, behold the New as come and this is the New that God loves us and is ready to accept and celebrate as as if we had never sinned and that His love towards us has nothing to do with our deeds good or bad_
Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 4:5-8
Thank you Jesus for this bread, we thank you for it sanctifies us from all manner of the Old and renews us unto your New and current dealings with us in these times in Jesus Name Amen.
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