Exodus 3:3(NKJV)
Then Moses said, “I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush does not burn.”

There is a certain response with which Moses responded to the burning bush that wasn’t being consumed.

In a place where Moses was not inquisitive about the burning bush, then he would have missed the mark of God.

In Genesis 18:2 we see Abraham carrying a certain response when he sees the three men from afar. The scriptures tell us than he runs out and he bows down. This was a response of a man who knew God.

Many are the times that God wants to elevate us into greater places but the way we respond to him defines your next steps of your life or ministry.

The response that we give to God draws his face towards us or repells it away from us.


Luke 9:1-5
Isaiah 6:8-9

The response that we give to God draws his face towards us or repells it away from us.

Good loving father, I thank you for this word. Thank you because you awaken my eyes and ears that I shall know the best response to give when you call, to the glory of your name, Amen.


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