James 1:22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.


Often times, we as christians keep wondering why things seem to be stagnant or not working as they ought to ; but the truth is, its never God’s intention that anyone be stuck at any point of their lives.
As a matter of fact, He expects as to be moving from glory to glory, level to level, from one step to another, 2nd corinthian 3:18.

Many Christians today miss the word or the instruction of God toward them, and we are often perpetual hearers of the word, we attend all the church meetings , conferences ,fellowships listen to various sermons and receive so much insight, direction and instructions that we barely act upon. The message version of our study scripture says “we fool ourselves”.

Jesus is not only our saviour and redeemer, but He is also Lord over our lives , meaning we recieve instructions and commands from Him, to follow in our christian walk. So if we love Him, we prove it by obeying His instrution through doing the word.

If we dont do the word or respond to the instructions of the Lord torward us, we are simply denying His Lordship over ourlives, and hence may not move forward or grow as we ought to.

Exodus 19:5
2John 1:6

If we dont *do* the word or respond to the instruction of the Lord toward us, we are simply denying His Lordship over our lives, hence might not move forward or grow as we ought to.

We thank you dear Lord for instructing us in the way we should go on a daily, teach our hearts to not only hear but also do according to your word. Amen.


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