Rom.6.22 – But now since you have been set free from sin and have become the slaves of God, you have your present reward in holiness and its end is eternal life._
*Death to self*
Dying to self in the scriptures is simply a consideration of what has taken place after you recieving Christ, the bible says *(Rom.6.11 – So you should consider yourselves dead to sin…)* In other words when one is in Christ, he has become new. This is the foundation of the death experience because your faith in this truth is what qualifies you to truely die to self. It’s not in how you struggle to put your body into subjection.
Our theme scripture talks about you being set free from sin, ofcourse sin has been and it’s still a big subject in the Christian Faith because to many people sin is the greatest enemy but the enemy is actually ignorance. True deliverance from sin is in you knowing/acknowledging that Christ has set you free from it and your nolonger enslaved by it, it’s the same with death to self.
Death to self means to be set free from sin, in other words you agree to the freedom of Christ. The word freedom means to deliver or liberate one from something in form of bondage.
After you have regarded yourself dead to self, you begin applying your heart to truth because you are free depending on how much you know. *(John.8.32 – And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.)*
So on the subject of death to self, there is power in knowledge, to know truth means to conceive truth. When you conceived Christ, you were set free. So when you increase in the knowledge of the truth, your heart recieves these freedom. Concerning freedom scripture means you being set free from sin, diseases, curses, witchcraft, failure, poverty and anything that doesn’t carry the glory of God in it.
*Nugget:* There is power in knowledge, to know truth means to conceive truth. You are as free as much as you know.
*Prayer:* Holy Spirit I thankyou for this truth, I keep my heart open to your dealings, I experience freedom in my finances, in my academics, at my work place, in my marriage to the glory of your name. Amen
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