*Study scripture:* _John 3:6 – That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit._


There is a distinction between things born of the flesh and those born of the spirit. A man is either born of the flesh or born of the spirit. A man who is not born again is born of the flesh. A man who is born again is he that is born of the spirit.

When you were born from your mother’s womb,you were born of the flesh by a mortal sperm of a man that is subject to corruption. When you became born again,you were born after the immortal sperm of God, the word that is incorruptible.

When something is born of the flesh,it eats by the flesh. It sees, tastes, hears, speaks,thinks and does all things by the flesh. Its judgements and decisions are all based on the flesh.

But when you become born again, you are no longer in the flesh. As long as you live by the flesh,you cannot please God. *_Romans 8:8 – So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God._* You cannot experience and Operate in the power of God.

We are now in the spirit, *_Romans 8:9 – But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit,…_* God expects you to walk by the spirit, think by the spirit,see by the spirit and hear by the spirit. All your plans must be by the spirit. The word of God is your guiding light as a man in the spirit

As a spiritual man,you ought to make all your decisions and judgements by the spirit. Before you marry someone,you examine their spirit man. Before you enter a city, examine its spiritual being. Before you start a business, access the spirit.

All your judgements must be by the spirit. *_1 Corinthians 2:13 – …comparing spiritual things with spiritual._* Nothing in your flesh defines you. Your skin color, height, family background,body size, color of eyes, tribe etc have nothing to do with your destiny.

Elevate your eyes above flesh and blood. You are born of the spirit. All success, glory and testimony is that which has been accomplished in the spirit by Jesus. What happens in your flesh has nothing to do with you because you are a spirit man only to the glory of God.!!

*Further study:*
2 Corinthians 5:16
Romans 8:13.

You are born of the spirit. Walk by the spirit. Plan by the spirit. Think by the spirit. Do all things by the spirit because you are a spirit man.

I boldly proclaim that I am born of the spirit. Am a child of God. Am not defined by my flesh to the glory of God in the name of Jesus.


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