*Daniel 1:8,12,15*
_But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s delicacies, nor with the wine which he drank;… “Please test your servants for ten days, and let them give us *vegetables to eat and water to drink* …And at the end of ten days their features appeared better and fatter in flesh…_ [Emphasis mine]


Praise the Lord. From our study scriptures, this is a Story of Daniel and his friends Shadrach,Meshach and Abednego. Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon on defeating Jehoiakim king of Judah would have some young, good- looking and without blemish taken from Judah to Babylon to learn the way of the Chaldeans and serve the king. The idea was to feed them on the king’s delicacies so that they look Healthy before they are presented before the king in 3 years time.

However Daniel and His friends would not have those Delicacies as the considered them ” *Defiled* “. There is no scriptural proof that those foods had in anyway been offered to Idols as such to be ” *Defiled* ” rather Daniel must have perceived that it wasn’t good food for His body and he and his colleagues would have ” *Water and Vegetables* ” instead and sure enough after being tested for ten days, the bible says,” *_their features looked better and fatter in flesh_* ” Hallelujah!

See the bible says,

*1 Corinthians 6:19*
_Or do you not know that *your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit [* who is] in you,…_

See God cares alot what kind of sacrifice you bring into His Temple. Is that that which is without blemish or that which is ” *defiled* “. There are so many reasons why Men fail to work in Divine Health and one of them is that ” *They eat defiled foods* “. Some stuff isn’t good for your Body and will kill you, it will impute Disease and blemishes on you and make others around you have _” *better features and fatter in flesh.* “_ than you. Just like Daniel and His friends, choose to eat well, get off what you know defiles your body and you will walk in Divine Health. Thou shan’t test the lord thy God by eating poisonous food.

_God cares about what kind of sacrifice goes into His temple and some food which we taken in is ” *defiled* ” (Not good for us) and in turn defiles us, the temple of God with sickness. Let’s therefore not test God by being negligent and eating anyhow and instead eat well (Water and Vegetables are good and will keep you in perfect Heath.)_

*Further Study*
Deuteronomy 6;16, 3 John 1;2

Father, thank you because you desire that I be in good health. Provide for me such that I may eat well and bring into your temple a worthy sacrifice that’s without blemish in Jesus’ Name Amen.


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