*Study scripture:*
_Proverbs 3:5-6_
* Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.
*Acknowledge and trust* *the Lord*
Acknowledging can mean to recognizing the existence, truth or fact about something,
Our study scripture today is calling us to a place of recognizing the Lord in all our ways. And this calls us to a place of understanding that He is the one who works in everything that concerns our life.
Now it is not possible to recognize and trust someone that you do not know. That’s why the scripture is teaching us not to lean on our own understanding, so then the only way to go is to lean on the understanding of who God is to us, and this is only through reading His word and allowing the holy spirit to teach us.
Now after understanding Him it will be very easy for us to recognize and trust Him, because we know now that He is resident in us, and His word is in our hearts.
And He He promises that after we have recognized Him, He shall direct our paths, let it be your business, your marriage, your character, your meditations etc they will all be aligned by Him and you shall live a life that glorifies the Lord.
*Further study*
Psalms 37:3-5
Proverbs 3:7-13
God promises that if we recognize Him in all our ways, He shall lead our paths and we shall live a life that glorifies Him.
Thank you Lord for your word today, thank you for your presence in my life and I recognize you in each and everything that I do in Jesus’ name I pray, *Amen.*
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