Of Fathers 3

*Genesis 28:13* (KJV)“ _And, behold, the LORD stood above it, and said, I am the LORD God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed;”_

*Of Fathers 3.*
Our instructors unlike our Father, maybe operating in the offices of whose unction we carry but that doesn’t qualify them to be the possessor of our inheritance. See, Saul was the King, so to a lay man it seemed like he is the right man to give David the throne, but the Heavens knew Samuel as the rightful person for David’s inheritance as king.

But what is *spiritual inheritance* ? Spiritual inheritance refers to that which God intended/intends for man to have, that is: God’s perfect will for man. It comprises of being a _priest of God’s creation, a prophet of the oracles of God and an exhibitor of the Godly nature_ [1 Peter 2:9]. Material possession is secondary to this.

Jacob got his inheritance from Isaac and Joshua from Moses. Notice that after these men had received inheritance from their spiritual fathers, they heard God and started speaking to God, they prophesied and begun exhibiting God’s power. They walked in God’s perfect will.

Do we want to operate fully in God’s perfect will concerning the callings laid upon our lives, our marriage life and our carriers? Identify and utilise the right man God has placed in your life; he has your inheritance.

With spiritual blessing or inheritances, our investments in business are assured to prosper. Take a look at Jacob, he merely just toned a stick and he was able to get the breed of goats and sheep he wanted. Wow! this is by virtue of one occupying his inheritance. Our relationships, ministries and carriers stand the test of times because we are in the perfect will of God. Therefore, being under your father’s care and possessing our rightful inheritance is one way of walking in God’s perfect will. Hallelujah!

*Further study*
Genesis 28: 10-16
Joshua 1:1-9
*Nugget* :
_With spiritual blessing or inheritances, our investments in business are assured to prosper. We walk in the perfect will by positioning ourselves in the care of our Spiritual Fathers_ .
Father, in the name of Jesus, I bless you for the eternal plan for me to prosper not only in the Spirit but in possession. I utilise this knowledge to live like you have predestined me to be. Amen.


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