*Theme Scripture*
*1 Samuel 16:7* _But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For [the LORD does] not [see] as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”_
Let me tell you what was wrong with Eliab, Abinadab, Shammah and all the Seven brothers of David; it was not because they were not Nice Looking or of a poor stature and we have proof of that that they actually were of Good appearance for when Samuel had just gotten to anoint Eliab He was pleased by His Appearance but God told him ” *Nah! I don’t fall for looks* ” so rule out the Appearance for David’s Brothers were handsome. It wasn’t even because God didn’t love them or showed favoritism; Our God shows no favoritism ( *Acts 10:34* )
None of that was the problem. The Problem was the state of their Hearts. The last bit of our theme Scripture says, *” _….but the LORD looks at the heart_* ” and that right there is the Secret. I can prove it to you that had the Hearts of Jesse’s brothers been right with God; one of them would have been king. Bible says in *Acts 10:34-35* _Then Peter opened [his] mouth and said: “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. *But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him* ._ He (God) would have accepted them had they had the fear of the lord in them and been workers of righteousness. Amen
*Child of God, Work on that Heart for its what is standing between you and the Kingly Anointing* You maybe a despised nobody well Jesse had seven son’s and even he didn’t think David was kingly and maybe that’s how people view you. Its no big Deal, God you serve and His anointing doesn’t fall on who is first born or more capable but on He who’s heart is Right with Him a that can be you even if you sit Back bench in chapel, didn’t go to fancy Schools, doing a course considered weak and are even from this family; I mean you are too many in there you don’t know even which birth number you are.
Just work on your heart. The Heart comprises of a A man’s Soul and mind. Guard it with all diligence ( *Proverbs 4:23* ) by not letting Gabbage in but the Word of God, letting it transform your life through renewal of your mind then soul (Your heart) and you will be down in the bushes and you will be surprised how the anointed will locate you. Guard that heart, no filth in there.
– _Enjoy the weekend Reading and getting lessons from Joseph’s story ( *Genesis 37-41* ) and Queen Esther Hadassah ( *The Book of Esther* )_
_Child of God, Work on that Heart for its what is standing between you and the Kingly Anointing_
Jesus thank you because I can be used of you despite what the world considers me. I choose to guard my heart for that kingly anointing. I will be a king in Jesus Name Amen.
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