*Study Scripture*
Ps.23.1 – The LORD is my shepherd; I have everything I need.

_Shepherd meaning_
•A person who tends and rears sheep.
•A person who guides or directs in a particular direction

A couple of times Jesus speaks about laying down his life for the sheep (John 10:11, 15, 17-18). The good shepherd chooses personal sacrifice for the welfare of his sheep.
He willingly experiences personal sacrifice for the benefit of his sheep.

And so David was convinced that the Lord Jesus was his shepherd and so he had all he needed because He would lay aside everything he had to do just to attend to King David.

Jesus sacrificially came on earth to have man back to God and all who responded he gave the right to become children of God and became the sheep of his pasture.

All we need is found in Jesus, the good shepherd, all we desire to see is in Jesus.
In other wards when we have Jesus we have everything because he is the good shepherd that would lay down anything just so we could be attended to.

As the week ends and as we’ve started off a new month, Trust the good shepherd, be kin to listen and follow his voice because he will lead you only where there are greener pastures, where there’s plenty of water to quench your thirst, where there’s shade for you to rest he will totally attend to you and you won’t be in want ever after.

All we need is found in Jesus, the good shepherd, all we desire to see is in Jesus.
In other wards when we have Jesus we have everything because he is the good shepherd that would lay down anything just so we could be attended to.

*Further study*
John 10:1-18

Dear heavenly Father, I trust and believe that I have a good shepherd, one who is always willing to lay down everything for my sake. One who is willing to look for Greener pastures for me to feed on just so I could be satisfied and healthy, one who won’t let me thirst but will do all it takes to get me to where there’s plenty of water. So this month and the preceding days of my Life, my I never look away from the direction to which the shepherd is leading me through in Jesus’name amen


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