*Study scripture* Romans 5.19 NLT, Because one person disobeyed God, many people became sinners. But because one other person obeyed God, many people will be made right in God’s sight.


Scriptures tell us that by one man’s disobedience, Many were made sinners. The issue is men were not made sinners by what they did or did not do, one man led to the fall of all. When Adam disobeyed God, all that could come forth from him was a sinner already.

This means that Abel was a sinner, Cain was a sinner, Abram was a sinner, all that were born after the fall of man were born sinners. Even up to today, a man that is born after the adamic nature is born a sinner, not because of what they did or did not do but by one man’s disobedience.

Then the same scripture tells us that by the obedience of one, many shall be made righteosus. This means that the obedience of Christ purchased for you righteousness. That’s why when you believe him, you become righteous automatically.

I have heard many Christians say to me in my earlier years, how can you say that you are righteosus yet you still sin, you still abuse, you still behave in a weird way, etc. All I told them was it doesn’t matter what I did or did not do, my righteousness is not anchored unto my works, just as us becoming sinners was not anchored unto our own works.

Even when a Christian is caught into an act of a very deadly sin, as long as they have believed that Jesus Christ died for them and rose again and is alive, they are still as righteous as God is. Yes you may be punished by men of this world, you may even end up losing your life or dying under the hands of ignorant men, however in the eyes of God you stay as righteous as he is.

*Further study*
Romans 5:14-21

The moment you understand that your righteousness is not based on what you did or did not do, then you will understand what it means to obtain like precious faith. It is the faith obtained by those that have understood this truth.

Father in the name of Jesus, I thank you for the precious gift of your son Jesus Christ who made me righteous not basing on my works. I thank you that I am righteous and I believe it, so help me walk it as I begin by faith and made perfect in the faith, amen.


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