*Study scripture:* _1Timothy 6:12 – Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses._


Remember the word of God does not tell us to fight anyone. You do not have to fight your government, campus, parents, fiance etc. He tells you to fight the fight of faith.

Many have exercised in fighting people, institutions and friends. Your fight is to labour to believe what God has spoken concerning you. You fight by entering God’s promises by faith.

In part of this faith, look at what he says, *_1Timothy 6.12 – …and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses._* In this beautiful faith,we have a place of profession. To profess is to decree, declare, announce, proclaim and publish with your mouth.

In the Greek,the word profess is to publish and speak the same mind with God. This means that this Faith constitutes of a dimension of speaking the mind of God upon your life.

You must learn and be fully conscious of what God has spoken and profess the Same thing upon your life by faith. You do not speak outside the word of God.

If God has said that you are made righteous in Christ,you are supposed to say in the beautiful fight that I have been made the righteousness of God in Christ.

If God has spoken and said that by my stripes you are healed, a man in the beautiful fight ought to loudly decree and declare that by the stripes of Jesus Christ I was healed.

If the mind of God is that you were made rich through the poverty of Christ, a man in the good fight proclaims and publishes the same thing that Jesus was poor to make me rich.

The good profession means speaking and declaring the word of God upon your life always. Labour to walk and operate in the fullness of what God has spoken concerning you.

*Further study:*
Hebrews 11:6
Romans 10:17

In this beautiful fight of faith,we make it a point to labour and confess the very mind of what God has spoken upon us already. Do not speak outside what God has said. Speak in the revelation of God’s mind and word concerning you.

I thank you Lord for your grace upon my life. I decree upon my life that I am blessed,rich, prosperous and full of glory in the name of Jesus Christ.


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