In exalting the Lord Jesus Christ, one the things the Lord gave him is a name. This name has the highest rank amongst all things created and named. All the other names are bound to freeze at the presence of Jesus.

Government is a name,but the name of Jesus is above government. Sickness is a name but the name of Jesus is above sickness. Poverty is a name but the name of Jesus is above poverty. Cancer is a name but Jesus is above it.

All the rest of the names in this world are inferior to this name. You must have the boldness to decree anything through that name. It does not matter what was said, exercise a habit of boldly decreeing changes through the name of Jesus.

It is in the nature of all things to respond to you when you sound the name of Jesus. It bible says all things should bow down. It is a must for them to respond to it. It is in the nature of all things to respond to it. All things have been created to tremble at the sound of that name.

_Acts 3:6-7 – Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: *In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth* rise up and walk. – And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and *immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength.*_

*_Hallelujah!!_* This gentleman who was lame at the temple did not need calcium to have strong bones. The only thing he needed was the sound of the name of Jesus. This name carried strength for him.

When Peter sounded the name,the bible says his ankle bones received strength and he began to walk. Your head Can be healed at the mention of Jesus. Your family can be restored at the name of Jesus.

Start to speak and proclaim things in that name. You do not need gold. You do not need silver. Neither do you need anyone’s help. The only thing you need is the name of Jesus. God has designed out all things to respond to you through that name child if God.
*_Thanks be to God!!_*

*Further study:*
Mark 16:17
Acts 4:32

*Nugget:* All things have been designed to respond to the name of Jesus. It is in the nature of all creation to bow down to that name. As a Christian, have the boldness to make proclamations and cause changes in the name of Jesus always.

I thank you Lord for the power in your name. I stand to proclaim liberty, increase,joy, excellence and glory in the name of Jesus Christ.


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