2Cor.11.3 – But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
*Of the fallen Mind*
There is a deception going on in the body of Christ today, it’s taught on the church alters and it’s also believed among many Christians.
It’s a teaching that makes someone feel more human and real to the world around us forexample believers are still taught how generational curses are still on them, they have excuses for being poor, for being diseased, they have excuses for struggling in life and all they say God knows and he sees it all. Imagine, such still use scriptures to justify what they say; that there is of a fallen Mind.
When the first Man Adam fell, he was subjected to all these calamities because he left the presence of God; struggles, faliure, diseases, curses were part of him and everyone who came in the likeness of Adam was subjected to such because he too was of a fallen mind.
But the second Adam, Christ Jesus became the life giving spirit and everyone who comes after him has the same mind; the mind of Christ. So understand this Child of God, you are from above.. you have the very Mind of Christ, as he is so are you in this world.
Stand on the word and make it your standard, if scripture says you are a head and never a tail, believe it.
That’s how we fight a good fight of faith, with a spiritual mind we always face circumstances and we speak the word of God to them, if the doctor’s report is negative, you go back and read God’s report to that disease.. with this mind in you, you can’t fail to Walk out of that room with a good report of divine healing.
*Further Study* 1Corinth 2:16, Ephe 4:17-18, Philipains 4:7-8
*_NUGGET_* The mind of a New Creature in Christ Jesus is a Spiritual Mind not a fallen mind which is instead ruled and subjected to the calamities in this natural world
*Prayer* Loving Father I thankyou for this Truth, I have the very Mind of Christ, I’m renewed after his own image to the glory of your name. Amen
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