*James 1:21-22(KJV)* _Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves._

The wisdom of God was ordained to an end. In other words, there is a reason for everything that God puts out as a way or a means. For example, the Lord Jesus said that men have to pray, and He gave a reason, that they may not enter into temptation.

So, there is no other way you will avoid to be tempted by choosing your own way out of temptation. God will still love you, but the temptation will come, and if you don’t pray it will sweep you. This is what makes God to appear like He is a silent God. Everything God put in His word, He is not going to come to you in dream to speak of what He spoke in His word, knowing well that you have eyes that see and ears that hear.

Until you make it a point to appreciate the word of God, the best God can do for you is to position you, but He is not going to come and read verse by verse with you if there is a pastor. For example, couldn’t God teach the children of Israel the law, but He told Moses to teach them. Now imagine someone running to God and saying, God teach me the law, yet He instructed Moses to do it.

So, God has appointed means, but sometimes we overlook them. Listen, there are no hidden means to being what Pastor Benny Binn, Pastor Chris, or Pastor Kayanja is. God is just waiting for you to do the word. So, child of God, make up your mind to do the word of God. If the word of God said to pray, then pray, if He said give your tithes and first fruits then give them. The word of God is true. *Hallelujah!*


Matthew 26:41
1 Corinthians 2:7
2 Timothy 2:15


Thank You Lord for this knowledge. I make up my mind to appreciate the word of God, and to exercise myself there in. You have ordained my success, victory, and fruitfulness there in. As I give myself over to Your word, I am positioned for greatness, influence and success in everything I do, *in Jesus’ name, Amen.*


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