*Theme Scripture*

*John 14:8,10*
_Philip said to Him, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is sufficient for us.”… Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me?…_


Praise King Jesus! Often men will not have the time to open their Bibles to search out Scriptures or attend to Fellowships to have God revealed to them so as to believe and will therefore turn to examining the lives of the so called Christians; those they expect to be Christ- like to believe

Thats exactly what was being portrayed in Philip’s statement _”Show us the Father and it shall be sufficient for us”_. Some people are out to look at your character to start to believe that there is a God and to draw near to him. Our lives as believers begin to be the epistles men read to believe and have a testimony of the Father

Jesus expected Philip to see the Father in Him because He is in the Father and the Father in Him; in otherwords they were one . Philip ought to have just looked at Jesus’ character and just felt Sufficiency and that’s the place God is calling us too. That we will no longer walk and live recklessly but rather portray Christ in us spirit, soul and Body who the scriptures say is the express image of the Father ( Hebrews 1;3); the embodiment of the Godhead ( Col 1;15)

That as a Born again believer, people ought not to ask ” *_Where is the Father? Show Him to us?”_* but that they will have God open the eyes of their understanding and would just look at your character and see Christ the express image of the Father in you. Bible says *Ephesians 2:6* _And hath raised [us] up together, *and made [us] sit together in heavenly [places] in Christ Jesus:*_

*Further Study*
John 14:23
Hebrews 1:3
Colossians 1:15
2 Corinthians 3;2-3

_But that they will have God open the eyes of their understanding and would just look at your character and see Christ the express image of the Father in you_

Thank you Jesus for these truths. We thank you because you dwell in our lives and are the embodiment of the God head; that Men will look at us and see The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit


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