*Study Scripture*
*1 Kings 1:28?-?30 AMP*
King David answered, âCall Bathsheba to me.â And she came into the kingâs presence and stood before him. Then the king swore an oath and said, âAs the Lord lives, who has redeemed my soul from all distress, even as I swore to you by the Lord, the God of Israel, saying, âSolomon your son shall certainly be king after me, and he shall sit on my throne in my placeâ; I will indeed do so this very day.â
(A God who purposed you before you were born)
From this portion of scripture, we can see to it that the king( David) is prestating the position of his servant Solomon as the the king as he had pre promised. It wouldn’t matter whatever happened but it was predestined for Solomon to be king. As we can see in the concurrent verses where Adonijah son of Haggith exalts himself to be king (1Kings 1:5).
In life we shall exalt our selves in situations or circumstances where we feel fit to be or where we are comfortable which is never the case. Because your comfortable in a position ,it doesn’t mean it’s where you belong. Self discipline and humility opens much more doors than talking about all you capabilities and talents.
Because King David was of old age and advanced inage, Solomon did not take up the throne even though he knew he was to be the successor. He waited for the right time and the right criteria. Because you know the ending doesn’t mean you should stop working. Because the you know how the game is going to end ,it doesn’t mean it’s over yet.
Before God gives you a place He gives you purpose. And this is so that you work in your purpose, work in you way with Christ so that when it’s time to get to the place you are supposed to be, you are mature. Mature spirituality, physically, emotionally.
When you get into this place, it may be in your family at home, your fellowship but school or home, It can even be at that part time job where everyone doesn’t like you.
It may look like it’s all being taken away like Solomon’s right to the throne, like it’s all not working in your favor. “(All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose), (Romans 8:28.)”
God never falls back on His promises and any portion of scripture that speaks to you, speaks life into you is His promise upon you and all it takes is a a humble heart.
If He (God) says it, believe it. It is done
We were predestined even before we were in our mother’s wombs and a patient humble heart, (walking in the righteousness of God) eats off of the promises upon his or her life.
*Further study*
Galatians 6:9
Philippians 1:6
Father thank you for you have purposed our existence and destined us for greatness. We receive with Thanksgiving the promises upon our lives and say thank you for the seasons we are yet to walk into.
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