Love is a Commitment

?????? Love is a Commitment

*Theme Scripture*

*Isaiah 53:3*
_He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were [our] faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not._

( *Isaiah 53* ) is amazing portion of Scripture; it talks about the things Christ had to go through on our behalf because *He loved us*. One thing is for sure, _” *Christ wasn’t having Fun or enjoying everything he was going through* “_ because of us and yet *_He was committed to love nevertheless_* . When it comes to love, we won’t always feel like it, the circumstances may not always be favorable, those we intend to love may not always treat us well and yet like Jesus we need to be Committed to love no matter what, we are imitators of God ( *Ephesians 5;1* ) and I can assure it was also hard on Him (Loving people such as us) and yet He was Committed.

The scripture says ” *_We despised Him, rejected him , a man of sorrows and we esteemed him not_* ” and yet He still loved such a people as us. *Vs 2* says,” *_He hard no form nor comeliness, he had no beauty that we should desire Him_* “.Did you get that? It’s simply saying because of every thing we put Christ through, he lost all Form. He wasn’t looking human and he had no such thing as beauty that we should desire him, we made Him undesirable and yet He still carried through loving us. Saints, this is intended to show you how *”Love is a Commitment”*. It isn’t always going to be a Nice feeling to love some people, they aren’t always going to treat you right but you must *”Commit”* that no matter what they put you through you will love *Why* ? Because you’re an imitator of God and also you haven’t yet exhausted the greater love as to quit which is *(John 15:13)* _”Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”_. Hallelujah! *”Commit to love no matter how you feel or are treated.”*

Jesus today we are challenged at how you love us. Lord we know it wasn’t easy on your side, we treated you real bad, we esteemed you not, didn’t desire you, rejected you and yet you still loved us Thank you.Holy Spirit help us to do the same with our neighbors, to imitate this love of Christ in Jesus’ Name Amen


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