*Study scripture*

*Colossians 1:17-18*
_And He is before all things, *and in Him all things consist* . *And He is the head of the body, the church,* who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things *He may have the preeminence* ._

( _Building a Successful marriage and family_ )

Isn’t that awesome that portion of scripture! It’s a typical scripture that if really understood it just could revolutionize the state of our Families, marriages and relationships. Again this is talking about Jesus; the Word that became flesh ( *John 1;14* ). It’s Him who is before all things, He was the firstborn from the dead and it’s only in Him that *ALL* things (even these institutions of Family, marriage and relationships) can consist. He (The Word) is the glue that keeps them from falling apart. Amen

Bible continues to say in vs 18, ” *And He is the head of the body, the church* …” and it’s true because scripture proves that Christ is the Bridegroom (The head) and the church is His Bride (The body) so this verse definitely has something to talk about marriage…As a matter of fact look at this scripture in… *Ephesians 5:23-24* _” *For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so [let] the wives [be] to their own husbands in everything* “_..Praise God amen.

Are you seeing that family, marriage, relating is not new to God, He is the Author of this and we just can’t do without Him and think our relationships, marriages , families are going to flourish that’s Deception. Scripture goes ahead to state that in vs 18c….” *_that in all things He may have Preeminence”_*. The Greek word used here for “Preeminence” is ” _Pr?teú?_” and its descriptive of _” *to be first (in rank and influence)* “_. Hallelujah!

Friends, if we are ever going to receive total Victory in these institutions of Family, marriage and relationships, we must learn to give Christ Preeminence and by this I mean *The Word* . It’s what will cause our marriages consist but *HOW* ? *It will reproof, correct and instruct in righteousness* ( *2 Timothy 3:16* ) you and your spouse, you and your boyfriend or girlfriend, you and your kids. You need to get time and seat under God’s Word all the time as a married couple, as those relating, as a family and boy the Holy Spirit will show you things that if you do them, your family, marriage and relationship will Consist, it will never fail cause *Christ (The Word) has Preeminence (Influence)* Glory!

_Friends, if we are ever going to receive total Victory in these institutions of Family, marriage and relationships, we must learn to give Christ Preeminence and by this I mean *The Word*_

Ephesians 5:22-33

Father we thank you for with this wisdom our families, marriages, relationships will never fail in Jesus Name Amen.


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