*Theme Scripture*

*Genesis 2:18*
_And the LORD God said, “[It is] not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.”_


Isn’t it encouraging to know that the moment you became Born again He made you as complete in Him as you can ever dream but that He also gave you a Helper that’s above all other helpers?

Our theme Scripture has been interrupted differently and been limited exclusively to marriage but then Did you know that some men like Paul and some of the apostles who didn’t get married so does it mean they had no Help? They surely did even if they had no mates because Jesus in the New Covenant does talk of a Higher Helper sent from above and his name is the Holy spirit ( *John 14:16* ).

Did you know if you got a wife who doesn’t have and operate by the power of the Holy Spirit she is not helping but she’s a drag, a weight. So let’s desire the Supreme Helper the Holy Spirit his enough and if you ever desire a mate, let it be one who knows this person because its not by our power nor by might that we shall be great helpers to our spouses but by the spirit of God ( *Zech 4:6* )

Concerning feeling complete; when you became Born again God made you complete. He said “It is finished” ( *John 19:30* ) and He is not trying to complete you again. As he is so are we in this World ( *1 John 4;17* ) and Boy oh Boy! God is as complete as He could ever be and so are you and you better believe it. You are one spirit with Him how can you even doubt you are complete ( *1 Cor 6:17?*). If you feel incomplete what you need is Jesus; get back to the Word if you are saved and get saved if you are not. You need not other people to complete you and as a matter of fact some people will even drain the life out of you even more. You need Jesus Amen. Hallelujah.


Gal 2:20
John 14:26

_Do you need help? The supreme helper is The Holy Spirit. Do you need a Mate? Then get one with a relationship with the Holy spirit. Are you feeling incomplete yet Born again then get in the Word and are you not born gain then get saved because Jesus is the only one who completes._

Thank you Jesus because am complete and I have a Helper above other helpers the Holy Ghost. I love you Jesus and in your Name I have given thanks Amen


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