
*Ezekiel 37:4*
_Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the LORD._

The mind of a man is the place all things are conceived when we sow a seed either bad ( any thought contrary to the word) or good seeds like the word *Luke 8;11*. But see conception alone is not enough, you just can’t keep meditating and conceiving the word in the mind if you won’t birth it. Men birth the spiritual to manifest through many ways faith being one of them but today I want us to concentrate on speech or using the tongue.

Looking at Ezekiel, those dry bones would never have gotten life if he hadn’t used the tongue to prophecy, it was no mind game, he had to speak alright. James in his letter says some really heavy things about the tongue in *James 3:8* he says _it cant be tamed, it’s restless and evil, full of deadly poison_ but then I believe this is true but one sided as Solomon the wisest man ever says something good about the tongue in *Proverbs 18:21* he says paraphrased _whereas it has death, it carries life and concludes by saying they that love it shall eat if the fruit thereof._ the fruit can be good or bad. Today choose to be a talker, a talker of what you’ve conceived in the word, speak forth your healing say” _Am healed because 1 Peter 2:24 says so_.” *_Thinkers conceive things in the spiritual but Talkers manifest or birth them in the physical_* . That’s how we birth our blessings, that’s how we give them life in the physical realm through speech but our speech is founded with the knowledge of God’s word we speak what we’ve read not just anything that may be powerless.

Father thank you for creating me with a tongue. Thank you for we conceive life in our minds when we meditate on thy Word, help us now to learn to birth this life through speech. Amen


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