*Study scripture*

*2 Corinthians 10:5-6* _casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, *and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled* ._


In context, Paul is trying to show the us that our battles are not carnal but spiritual in nature. He talks about things like ” _Casting down arguments_” and bringing ” _Every thought captive to the obedience of Christ_ ” meaning that these spiritual battles to a great extent happen in the mind of a man. He concludes those portions of scripture by introducing us to two major things *1)* . ” *_Punishing all Disobedience_* ” and *2)* . ” *_When your Obedience is fulfilled_* ” and you see God bases on these two things to carry out His ruling as a Just God. This is one reason as to why some prayers yield result and others don’t

The ” *Disobedience to Punish”* is every knowledge or argument that is counter God’s Word for example When a man thinks his poor and in lack, thats a disobedience to punish because its counter God’s Word that says ” _The lord is my shepherd I shall not want_” ( *Psalms 23:1)*. But then we have something else called ” *When your obedience is fulfilled* ” that goes along with the former. This is when a man does what God expects of Him. An example is when I read my books, attend lectures, go to work, love my wife etc that when I do those things; which is my part then thats ” *my obedience being fulfilled* ”

When we ” *Fulfill our Obedience* ” , its only then that we are able to ” *Punish all Disobedience*” in prayer and see tremendous result. When I don’t fulfill my obedience by perhaps missing lectures, not being a cheerful giver then even If when I go in prayer to try to punish the disobedience of failure or lack it may not avail much because I disobeyed a certain Principle in God’s Word. God works on Principles not our emotions and that’s how He remains Just. However when I fulfill my obedience, my conscience is clear and am able to punish all Disobedience boldly with the assurance that God just can’t permit me to suffer wrong. When our obedience is fulfilled, we close room for the enemy to sow any seeds of doubt or unbelief in our minds. This is one why resist the Devil and experience total victory. *_What is your Obedience? Fulfill it and boldly punish any disobedience_*

_When our obedience is fulfilled, we close room for the enemy to sow any seeds of doubt or unbelief in our minds. This is one why resist the Devil and experience total victory._

Galatians 6:7-8, Hebrews 6:10

Father we thank you for these truths you’ve shared with us today. Teach and help us lord to fulfill our obedience so as to punish all disobedience with ease in Jesus Name. Amen


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