“ _But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking_ .”
— Matthew 6:7 (KJV)
*Understanding in prayer* .
The place of prayer and its results relies on the understanding we bare by scriptures concerning our communion, requests, petitions and intercessions. Our Lord tells us that we wont be heard by the vain repititions of things in prayer, infact he calls this a practice of the heathen (those outside of the promise, worshippers of idols).
This is a common error especially to those whose desire to pray for longer hours, long prayers are not made of repititions but every mindset in prayer should be that even before I asked, God has heard me.(Matthew 6:7-8). Then why should I ask if he already knows? Because our God is a God of principles and he honors these principles, asking and recieving is one of these principles he has set for us to live by.(Matthew 7:7).
Most contradictions come about by the parable of the unjust judge (Matthew 18:1-8), this parable was meant to show that despite the judge being unjust he heard the request of the widow, how much more is our just God. Infact verse 8, says he (God) will respond quickly so that your faith gets stronger (that assurance that when you ask you recieve).
Christ desires that we carry this mindset, that now as sons in God’s kingdom, we have the same priviledges as he (Christ) has (John 11:41-42), God’s ears are not deaf that he cannot hear (Isaiah 59:1). If this mindset sinks in us which was also in Christ, then we have the petitions of what we ask for in prayer. Repititions are a sign of doubt that God has heard you.
However, as led of the Spirit, you can be led to stick on a matter in prayer, even in this wise we dont go over in repititions, but the Holy Spirit guides us on what to pray for still utilising the faith (the assurance that God hears).Hallelujah!
Further study
1 John 5:14-15
Daniel 9:23.
Matthew 6:7-8.
Repititions are a sign of doubt that God has heard you.
Loving father, I thank you for this truth. My times of communion will not be with doubt that you have heard me, but with much confidence I am assured that every prayer to you, has it’s grant. Thank you, for by your Spirit and the word, I know how, what and why to pray, in Jesus’ name. Amen
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