True Prosperity

“And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and *enlarge my coast,* that thine *hand might be with me,* and that thou wouldest *keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me!* And _God granted him that which he requested_ .”
— 1 Chronicles 4:10 (KJV)

*True Prosperity*
For a man to be blessed according to the world, he ought to be wealth, honorable and name it all.

But our study scripture enlightens us today.“ *And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren* :…”1 Chronicles 4:9 (KJV). Who is a honorable man except he be rich! have a high status and above all, we be honorable because we are well regarded by our rulers (Jabez was well regarded by the King since he was even written in the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel.).

See! simply by following the patterns laid by God for man to prosper, one can wax in riches without the hand of God being with him. But the reality is when the devourer comes in destroy, that man has no refuge to run to. So despite having all these, Jabez approached God and prayed for:
God’s hand to be with him!

He realized how important it is to have God in your wealth: God keeps you from evil and all grief caused by the lack of God’s presence in your wealth.

Child of God when you set out to wax unto great blessedness, we ought to realise the importance of God being in our plans. Because God is in your plans, you have set you business on a rocky ground not sand, he maintains your lot and makes lines fall in pleasant places for you. Seek Him before we set out to do those projects and ministry, Hallelujah.

*Further Study* :
Matthew 7:24-25.
Proverbs 19:21
*Nugget* .
Because God is in your plans, you have set your wealth on a rock.
*Confession* .
Abba father I thank you, for now not only your hand but your fullness in me, what I set my hands on is blessed. In my dealings, your counsel prevails over all I plan. Amen.


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