*Study scripture:* Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinks in his heart, so [is] he. ” Eat and drink!” he says to you, But his heart is not with you.
Thinking is one of the crucial thing in our lives, one can either think of what is evil or what is good.
In the book of Matthew 5:28, Jesus Christ says “But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” What we think about is mainly as a result of what we see, hear or feel and Jesus says that it’s sin to just look lustfully at a woman, why?? Because *it corrupts the heart* and eventually brings you to a place of sinning.
No one can ever do something they never thought about, everything that is done or made begun as a thought, either good or bad.
As one begins to think about something, images and ideas begin to be created in their mind.
If you want to know the cost of thinking, think about what happened to Lucifer, he only thought about exalting himself above the sons of God and he was cast away from heaven. Your thinking is more vital than what you may know.
*Praise be to God!!*
*Further study:*
Mathew 5:27-30
Isaiah 14:13-14
Philippians 4:8
Job 31:1
Everything that has ever been done or made begun as a thought,
Lord Jesus, we bless your holy name for the gift of the holy spirit you have given unto us, that in our inability, He is able to help us, may you continue to guide us to focus on things that will bring joy to Your heart, for the glory of Your name.
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