*_Study scripture :*_ Psalms 29:4 – The voice of the LORD is powerful; The voice of the LORD is full of majesty.
The voice of God is not limited to God’s vocal speaking alone, it represents all spiritual channels, pathways that God uses to communicate his will and intent.
The channels of spiritual communication which represent the voice of God include; the holy scripture, dreams, visions, super natural encounters.
The life of the kingdom of God was designed that the advancement and progress of a believer largely depends on his or her ability to be led of God and the Holy spirit which is entirely based on the voice of God.
*_Psalms_23* shows us of the leadership of God, we see the that the Lord is our shepherd, he is our maker, restorer, guide and comforter, but all these happen when we are able to hear the voice of God.
The major purpose of the voice of God is to make his will and intent known to us.
When we walk in his will and intent, we are able to walk in our full potential and the blessings of God.
*Further study :*
Hebrews 1:1
Psalms 29:3-9
*Nugget :*
The major purpose of the voice of God is to make his will and intent known to us.
When we walk in his will and intent, we are able to walk in our full potential and the blessings of God.
Father in heaven, thank you for your voice, your voice gives me guidance, hope, and comfort.
Thank you Lord that through your voice I’m able to know your will concerning my life.
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