*Colossians 2:6-7(KJV)* _As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, [so] walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving._

According to our theme scripture, the question is this, if I have received the Lord Jesus Christ how do I walk in Him? One man will tell you to pray, another will advise you to fast, or even to give in order to get to that end, but Paul the Apostle, the wise master builder says that the way we walk in Christ is when, because of being taught, we are rooted, built and established in the faith.

Remember, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. So, Apostle Paul is showing us a place beyond hearing, where we are established in the faith that comes because we have heard the word. He says that we walk in Christ by being taught. So, every time we are taught the word we are being rooted, built and established in the faith. He then encourages us to abound therein, that is, to abound in the places of being taught.

Meaning, that it is incumbent upon the minister of the gospel to abound in the teaching ministry. Why? The instruction cannot come to the one being taught and not also come to the one who teaches. The one being taught can only abound in what they are being taught if only the one teaching also abounds in the teaching. *Praise God!*

Child of God, it is high time we had a church of men and women that do not just profess their reception of Jesus Christ, but men and women that walk in Him. Think about a choir, ushers, evangelists and ministers that walk in Him. However, this end is the responsibility of the pulpit and the man that teaches. *Hallelujah!*


Romans 10:17
2 Timothy 2:24
Colossians 1:28


Thank You Lord for this insight. I understand the essence of the teaching ministry. The end therein is to pattern and define my walk in Christ. As a worshipper, an evangelist, a wife, a minister and a believer, I make up my mind to give myself to be taught and to teach others. As I do, my walk in Christ and that of my hearers is established, to the glory of your name, *Amen.*


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