*Jude 1:24 (NLT)* _Now all glory to God, who is able to keep you from falling away and will bring you with great joy into his glorious presence without a single fault._
A man once said: ” _Religion refers to man’s effort to reach and please God, but true salvation is God’s effort to reach man_ .
Sometimes it looks like we have lots to do on our own to feel righteous. In our efforts we strive to workout our own righteousness. Even when a man stumbles, it seems like he is alone to make himself stand.
Jude the Apostle let’s us know that God actually is fully participating in you being able to stand and much more He desires to see to it that you appear before Him blameless.
This saying is true and worthy of all acceptance that it has never been in God’s plan that man is destroyed nor was man made for hell.(John 10:10).
Brethren, when it does happen that one has slid off the faith, God begins to call out to us and reminds us that He is close and willing to participate in your standing. God will send out thoughts of you going back to fellowship despite having erred, invite you to commune with him in prayer: this are his efforts to see you stand once again. Don’t brush them off and decide to go for a long fast leaving aside His efforts towards you. You are not alone! Isn’t that good news.
“ _And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.”_ John 6:39 (KJV) you are amongst what God gave Christ Jesus.
*Further Study*
John 10:10
John 6:39
John 17:7-11.
This saying is true and worthy of all acceptance, that it has never been in God’s plan for man to be eternally destroyed nor was he made for hell.
Abba Father, thank you for your love unfailing. I know that am in race but Oh blessed assurance that I am not alone. I lean on your faithfulness to see me stand. In Jesus’name, Amen.
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