The pattern of things

“Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”
— Matthew 6:10 (KJV)
*The pattern of things*
Amongst the first abilities one gets when they are Born Again is the ability to see the Kingdom of God, this is according to Jesus.[John 3:3]. This is not by one’s works but by the same Faith that we use apply to recieve salvation.

The ability to see is not limited only to the Prophets nor the Seers, but because they operate by the Holy Spirit, with that same Spirit a believer can as well. That’s why Jesus would commend his disciples to watch and pray!: implying in God’s pattern of communion in prayer, there are visions cast to our sight in fellowship with Him.

With this understanding, as Apostle Peter communed in prayer, he beheld a vision that was communicating his visit to the Gentiles in a few minutes [Acts 10:9-16]. Seeing is the spirit according to Jesus is not a supernatural happening, it’s our inheritance and it’s by seeing that we know what are the patterns of given things in heaven, so that we declare them on earth.

There’s a perfect will for your situation in heaven and God wants you to see it and declare it on earth. *The question is but how come I don’t see yet it’s my right* ? The very first avenue of the formation of our spiritual sight is the *word of God* . This same word will give you a perspective of seeing beyond the physical, it details the perfect will of God in Heaven for you. That’s why in a new creature’s life there’s no sort of begging or pleading in prayer: but the declaration of what is in heaven (God’s judgement upon a matter by the understanding of His word) and thanks giving (an evidence of the things you hope for). Glory Glory!!

*Further study* ;
John 3:3
Ephesians 1:17-18
Seeing in the spirit according to Jesus, is not a one time happening to a believer, it’s our inheritance, it in us by virtue of who we are.
Loving Father, Oh what a priveldge I have to be one with you through Jesus. My eyes are enlightened as I commune with your word, I behold and declare your judgements over everything according to your will in heaven for earth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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