*Ephesians 4:24 And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.*


The new creation realities are exceedingly wonderful to ponder about!

In our theme scripture, the Bible says , put on the new man which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. This means there’s an old man which is the nature of the flesh.

When a man get born again, he has stripped off the old nature, sin has no control over him, he’s recreated in God with the very holiness and likeness of God.

By this truth, you cannot regard a born again in Flesh, you cannot approach a Christian in the flesh, even God doesn’t relate with a Christian in flesh, the flesh and all it’s cravings are dealt away with in christ.

Sometimes you have to feel sorry for a Christian that hates other Christian because of what they did to them, Separate their character with their true nature, you just have to love Christians because in them is God moves, lives and has his being. I don’t understand how you can hate someone who has God inside!

The new man is who you’re in christ, the word of God has made you, the life and character of God defines you, new man is perfected and forever sanctified by God.

You have to understand these realities, because they are foundation realities, because , if you don’t, you’ll carry offense always

Understand that, the material which God used to make you ( New man) is not clay but holiness and righteousness, holiness is the epitome and essence of the new man, righteousness is the atmosphere of the new new man. You have to bear and walk by that consciousness, that’s what it means to put on the new man.

The old you was crucified with Christ and died with him but the new you is the resurrected being with the glory of Christ, so put on the new man, walk and live the new man, speak the new man, approach God the new man, relate with Christians as new men and regard no Christian in the flesh neither should judge them in the flesh, because in so doing you’re frustrating the spirit of redemption.

*Further Study.* Romans 6:5-6
Hebrews 10:14.

The new man is who you’re in christ, the word of God has made you, the life and character of God defines you, new man is perfected and forever sanctified by God.

*Prayer* . Loving father, I thank you for this wisdom, I regard not man not even myself according to flesh. I live and and walk in the truth you’re made me. In Jesus’s name. Amen.


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