Study scripture:*
_Acts.8.18 – And when Simon saw that through the laying on of the apostles’ hands the Holy Spirit was given, he offered them money,_
_19 – saying, “Give me this power also, that anyone on whom I lay hands may receive the Holy Spirit.”_
*THE MIND 1* (ii)
Simon a sorcerer that had bought himself a name through the extraordinary signs that were wrought/ performed by his hands to an extent that the people called him the great power of God at one point encounters Peter and Phillip men with the spiritual realm in it’s superior dimension because they were born again full of the Spirit
This placed a demand on Simon the sorcerer to ask for that superior realm of the spirit that he had never encountered in his walk of doing wonders and signs
With all the signs and wonders Simon the sorcerer worked out, this shows us that he realized there was something beyond the level of operation in the spirit he walked in
We have these scriptures for our fore-learning, by this no man that is not of God can convince me that there is a level in the spirit higher than the one our Master Jesus handed over to us
Child of God, we have a mandate to maximize the opportunity of being born in the highest realm of the spirit ever through the Word, scripture says we are seated together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. (Eph 2:6)
Eph.1.22 – And He put *all things* under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church,
*Further study:*
Prov 23:23
John 1:13
You are born into the highest realm of the spirit ever, you being born of God is the highest advantage you could ever have, you are a wonder, fix your mind of the word and fully operate in your inheritance
Father in the name of Jesus I function by the nature in which I was born into, am strange to this world and a native in the Spirit .
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