The message we Preach

1Tim.1.15 – This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.

*The message we Preach*

Just like Moses came with a certain message from the Mountain, just like the angels carried a certain message, just like the Prophets carried a certain message; Jesus also carried a certain message when he was born into the world.

This is what we call the good news, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The word gospel in greek means glad tidings, the wonderful things about what God has fulfilled through Christ Jesus.

It’s a message that confines him, God’s judgements are defined by his mercy and anyone under the law finds this message very hard to believe. Such men feel this message is too good to be true, they don’t believe in getting things the easy way – the way of Faith. God deals with us, rewards us according to his mercies, according to his Faithfulness and that’s the testimony of God in Christ Jesus, it’s a message that saves Men.

That while we were yet still sinners, Christ died for us. Some people have listened to these things and have taken the love of God for granted, John tells us behold what manner of love is this, what kind of goodness is this and anyone who has not gotten the revelation of God’s grace might not appreciate the weight of this message.

This message must be the language of every evangelist, use see a true evangelist is one who God has given keys and he stands at the gate of two worlds, it began with Christ and later we see it in Peter and we know of the Man of God Billy Graham, God gave them a key in that a man could speak a sermon and that gate opens and men begin to enter into the kingdom of light. These men could cast one net and catch multitudes, this is where God has positioned us evangelists. You share the good news with someone until he/she is pricked to heart. This is what translates Men into the kingdom of light, that’s the power in the blood of Jesus.

This is the primary ministration of every child of God, we represent a testimony that has already been fulfilled. A message that is completely fulfilled, so Men must understand why Jesus came, to die, to restore, to forgive, etc. So you must speak this message until a man feels forgiven before God.

*further study* Rom.1:16, 1John1:5, Acts 1:8-9

*Nugget* The message the world needs is the revelation of God’s love through Christ Jesus. Before God a soul is compared to the whole world, God gave his best for that one soul.

*Prayer* loving Father we thankyou so much for this Truth, I’m greatful for the gift of eternal life, l carry boldness to speak the gospel wherever we go. In Jesus name, Amen.


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