*Study scripture:* _Deuteronomy 18:2 -Therefore shall they have no inheritance among their brethren: *the LORD [is] their inheritance, as he hath said unto them* ._
Praise the lord! From our study scripture, we see God give Moses instruction concerning the inheritance of His Priests, the levites. Out of the 12 tribes of Israel, only people from the Tribe of Levi (Levites) were allowed by God to carry on priesthood and serve Him in his Holy Sanctuary. They were His own Holy and special people.
On entering the promised land, they where not to receive an inheritance such as lands to cultivate in the promised land but rather Cities in each of the lands occupied by the other 11 tribes to oversee the Service of God lest they get carried away doing this and that and fail at their priestly duties.
God was to be the unique inheritance to the levites. He was the focus of their Service, the source of their Sustenance and the significance of their Calling. He would cause the other tribes to give a tenth of their produce and the First Fruits to feed His priests.
The bible now tells us that
*1 Peter 2:9*
_But you [are] a chosen generation, *a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people* …_ On accepting Jesus as lord and Savior, we too were ordained as His Royal Priests, his Holy nation (Tribe) and special people that as we major on our Callings and Ministry, God would meet us at every point of our need.
He would supply our needs supernaturally and according to His glorious riches in Heaven. Our lot is to seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and the rest of these things (The lands, the cattle, the Housing etc) shall be added unto us. Amen
*Further study:*
2 Timothy 4:5
Matthew 6:33
Philippians 4:19
_As His Royal Priests, God is our unique inheritance. He is the focus of our service, the source of our sustenance and the significance of our callings._
Father thank you for this truth you’ve shared with us today. Holy Spirit help us major on our Callings and Ministry and not get caught up in civilian pursuits and we trust you will be our inheritance. Amen.
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