Ps.119.105 By your words I can see where I’m going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path. (MSB)

This scripture is worth beyond rubbies so saints when psalmist says your word is the light to my path meaning without the word of God your off track, it is the word that brightens the Journey.

When God wants us to move in our walk with Him, He often doesn’t show us the whole picture. He wants us to follow the Holy Spirit and let Him lead us step by step without us necessarily knowing of or worrying about the bigger picture because that could lead us to try to control the outcome.

The power of the Word of God is that it IS that source of bright light and it is how it is showing us the path we are to take with this person. He makes it clear in His Word, illuminating it so we know what we must do regardless of how we feel because sometimes God wants us to solely on him and not put our Faith in ourselves or other people.

Always remember, no matter how unclear the path, we need to trust and rely on Him and His Word alone and on the finished work of Jesus Christ.

1st John 1:5
John 8:12
psalms 18:28

Always remember, no matter how unclear the path, we need to trust and rely on Him and His Word alone and on the finished work of Jesus Christ.

We thank you Lord for this your truth, thank you for your word every other day that lights up our path and directs our footsteps to the right way,,we allow to be ordered of you Lord . AMEN


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