*Study scripture:* _Romans 6:14 Sin can’t tell you how to live. After all, you’re not living under that old tyranny any longer. You’re living in the freedom of God._ (MSG)
The moment a man receives Christ, that man switches masters, he comes out of the kingdom of darkness Into the kingdom of light
Before you receive Christ as your Lord and savior, your master is the devil that’s why doing something wrong most times does not bother you afterall you are satisfying yourself, in such scenerios, it’s hard to understand that you are obedient to the devil because he manifests in your life through the desires/lust of the flesh
So it really seems like you are just satisfying the flesh, if it wants sex, you give it, if it wants to steal, you allow it, alcohol, drugs etc you satisfy it, that’s how the devil becomes master of people’s lives
Child of God because you have died to sin doesn’t mean the devil will not try to lead you in some circumstances, this was evident with our Lord Jesus when the devil tried to lead him through the temptations after his fasting,
Those temptations were not just temptations, the devil was trying to lead/ inspire/ direct the Lord of Glory, that’s why Christ would not allow any leading of the devil
It’s not about whether the leading seems good or bad,. instead it’s about who is leading you,Satan one time speaks to God through peter but detected by Jesus, that’s why our theme scripture is telling us “sin can’t tell you how to live…”
Most times pride,fame, earthly beauty, greed, anger, jealous etc lead us in somethings which even seem to be good and we forget who is leading us, learn to examine who is leading you to do what you are being led into
We operate/ live in the freedom of God, we are not on a hurry, all we need is in God, we shall not turn stone into bread so as to over come hunger at the speech of the devil, that’s equal to getting a bribe to get food,
I choose to be inspired by Christ alone
*Further study:*
Prov 14:12
Rom 8:14
It’s not about what is in the instruction, instead it’s about who is instructing
Father I thank you because am lead of you in all my ways in Jesus’s name, amen.
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