THE GOSPEL 2* – ( The Power of God)

*Theme Scripture*

*Romans 1:16*
_For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, *for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes,* for the Jew first and also for the Greek._

*THE GOSPEL 2* – ( The Power of God)

In Part 1 of the Gospel, we learnt that the Word ” *Gospel* ” means ” *A good Message* ” and that the Gospel is actually about Jesus Christ. It testifies of Who he is and that His accomplished for all Humanity. We also hinted on the fact that the Gospel was never a New thing but it had been promised and spoken of from time past even unto Abraham had it been preached.( *Galatians 3:8* )

Now from our Theme Scripture, we are awakened to yet another awesome truth that the Gospel is indeed the *_”Power of God go salvation to everyone who believes_”* to the Jew first then to the Greek ( All gentiles) also. The greek Word for ” *Salvation* ” there is *s?t?ría* ” and it is translated to mean ” *deliver, health, salvation, save, saving* ” Meaning that the Salvation spoken of here in is not just the initial saving of men having them turn from death to life in Christ, but its a package that includes these other things like a man’s Health, deliverance from all manner of evil such as poverty, Bad character etc Praise God!

So are you in search of the Power of God to be made manifest in your life or circumstances? Well, quit looking any further than the Gospel; the power of God.The scripture actually testify of the same speaking of this Jesus who the Gospel is about as being, _”…declared [to be] the Son of God with *power according to the Spirit of holiness , by the resurrection from the dead*.”_ (Romans 1:4). Meaning as I study Jesus; the Gospel, I start to experience and operate in this power according to the spirit of Holiness by the resurrection from the Dead unto Salvation which is my complete Deliverance from whatever isn’t true of Jesus. Glory to God!

_Are you looking for the Power of God to be made manifest in your sick body, failing marriage, career, business, family etc? It’s all in the Gospel. Study Jesus, study the Word that became flesh (John 1:14) and you will be amazed that His able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask or think according to the Power; the Gospel that worketh in you ( *Ephesians 3:20* )_

John 1:1-5

Thank you Jesus because the Gospel is in truth the Power of God unto everyone who believes. We yield our hearts this day to your Word and believe it and experience the power there in in Jesus’ Name I have prayed.


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