*Theme scripture*
_Col.1.11 – We also pray that you will be strengthened with his glorious power so that you will have all the patience and endurance you need. May you be filled with joy,_
When the Bible speaks of
patience, particularly as one of the fruits of the Spirit, and as one of the characteristics of love, it speaks of it as a virtue that goes far beyond the mere ability to await some future gain.

It involves more than the rest or peace of the soul that trusts in God’s perfect timing. The patience that is in view here focuses more on interpersonal relationships with other people.

It is the patience of longsuffering and of forbearing in the midst of personal injury. This is the most difficult patience of all. When we are injured by others, we long for vindication, a vindication that is speedy. We fear that the axiom “justice delayed is justice denied” will work its havoc in our souls.

The parable of the unjust judge speaks eloquently to this human struggle, when our Lord asks rhetorically: “Will not God give justice to His elect, who cry to Him day and night?” The parable that calls us not to faint in times of trial ends with the haunting question: “When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?”

The parable ties together patience and faith. If we look at the triad of virtues underscored in the New Testament—faith, hope, and love—we see that each one of these virtues contains within it the necessary ingredient of patience.

Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 13 that love suffers long. This longsuffering, forbearing patience is to be the Christian’s reflection of the character of God. It is part of God’s character to be slow to anger and quick to be merciful.

*Further study*
1Thess 1:3
James 1:4
God’s patience is long but not infinite.
To be sure, a longsuffering patience is one of the most difficult exercises we can achieve. It is subjected to trial everyday.In this regard, we must tie ourselves and look to the manifold witnesses that Scripture provides of the people of God who endured such trials and tribulations.

Father I thank you for your endless patience which increases in me every day, Amen.


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