*Study scripture:* _Hebrews 8:7 For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second._
There are two covenants the Bible speaks about vividly and expresses. There is one that existed with the law as its foundation and the other existed with grace as its foundation. One came by Moses and the other through Jesus Christ.
When the covenant of the law was given,the Bible says that it was found to have fault. The reason as to why God decided to give us his grace was because the Law could not make anything perfect. In the eyes of the Lord,nothing was made perfect.
*_Galatians 3:21- “….for if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law._* Righteousness could not come by the law because no law had capacity to give life to man. God found fault with the law because it instead produced death in the men.
*_Hebrews 7:19 For the law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a better hope did; by the which we draw nigh unto God._* The Bible does not say the Law made somethings perfect. It says the law made nothing perfect. It is not possible that the law could ever perfect anything in the life of a man. It was only a platform for bringing better hope for us.
The purpose of the law was to open man to what is good and what is bad though it took advantage of that and caused man to die through condemnation. It’s fault came in because it birthed death in man which was never the mind of God.
As a child of God,recognize the perfection of the new covenant that has been given to you. Appreciate the mind of God concerning his grace. Perfection has only come to you through the grace of God.
The covenant of grace given to us by Jesus Christ has been found faultless. It is possible to be a victorious person in every circumstance because you are under a covenant that perfects you.
*Further study:*
Romans 8:1-3
2 Corinthians 12:5-8
*Nugget: *
The purpose of the law was to open man to what is good and what is bad though it took advantage of that and caused man to die through condemnation. It’s fault came in because it birthed death in man which was never the mind of God.
*Prayer: *
I thank you Lord Jesus for the perfection you have brought to me through the new covenant. I am made an able and a sufficient minister through your grace given to perfect me in the name of Jesus Christ.
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