_Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth_ .”
— 2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV)
Theme: *The approvals of God.*
In the world, for a man to be given a driving license, he should be tested. However much one knows many things about a car and how it operates, if such a man fails the driving test, he is not approved to drive.
Likewise, in God’s kingdom there are approvals of operation in every ministry set by God and if a man is self approved, to such a man is shame in his works because the master hasn’t given him authority to operate there in.
Paul brings to Timothy’s attention that in the spiritual realm, for a man to be approved of God, that man should study the word of truth and be able to rightly divide it. For any advancements in the spiritual path set before us, God needs our consistency with the word of truth.
The writer of Hebrews informs us that we shall only leave the elementary principles if God permits [Hebrews 6:3 KJV]: the permission their is approval for the entrustment to greater dimensions. For the surety of our ministries, we need God’s approval and this we shall have by diligence in our studies and communion with words of truth.
*Further study*
Hebrews 6:1-3
2 Corinthians 10:18.
Roman 14:18.
*Nugget* :
For the surety of our ministries, we need God’s approval and this we shall have by diligence in our studies and communion with words of truth.
I believe and despise not humble beginnings. I give myself to the study of the words of truth not to boast among men, but for the advancement of my ministry by God’s approval. I am of edification to the body, even as I grow and am raised to greatness. Amen.
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