*Theme Scripture*
*1 Kings 19:12*
_And after the earthquake there was a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper._
Does the lord speak ? Of course he does more than you want to hear from Him. His always speaking but not every one gets to hear His voice. Over in *1 Kings 19;12* God spoke to Elijah in a sound of a gentle whisper more so on a mountain away from the crowds, the noise and distractions because that’s just how he prefers to speak, His a gentle God no wonder many times he spoke to his servants at night in the still and quiet hours like in *1 Samuel 3:2-3*
Its says over *2 Corinthians 6:17* that we be separate from the unbelievers and their filthy things and God will welcome us. What are these filthy things? These are the many ungodly voices we are tuned in all day long from the news,our friends or workmates, these hinder us from tapping from God. We are called to a place of Stillness *Psalms 46:10*, a place of separation_our closet ( *closed state of mind from the voices of the world* ) where our minds are just tuned to the frequency of lord to be able to hear because In *Psalm 46:11* the bible says He is always among us. Shall we close our minds from this world and separate ourselves to hear God?
Father thank you so much for you’ve never stopped speaking through your word. Help us to close and separate our mind from the world be able to hear you Word come alive. Amen
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