*Jeremiah 33:3 (AMPC);* Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand).


There is a difference between talking WITH God and talking TO God. 

Most people spend their prayer time talking TO God; ‘bombarding’ Him with their grievances, needs and problems. Even if God were to try, He cannot get in a word edgewise because the Christian is so busy talking. Because true and effective prayer is based on a relationship, it cannot be a mere monologue. You must give God the opportunity to speak. 

This is a lesson I learned many years ago. There was a time I prayed about the same issue over and over again yet in vain. One day, the Lord asked me, “Have you actually consulted me about this issue?” This question gave me pause because I suddenly realised that I had not asked Him and neither had I taken time to listen to His response. When He eventually told me what to do about the matter, my greatest regret was how much time I had wasted talking instead of listening to what God had to say about the issue.

Our theme scripture clearly reveals to us that God is very interested in talking WITH us. He wants to reveal to us great and mighty things. He wants to discuss purpose and destiny with us when we pray, not merely to be a receptacle for our list of needs.

In Deuteronomy 4:36, the Bible says, “Out of heaven he made thee to hear his voice, that he might instruct thee.” God wants you to hear His voice so that He can instruct you.

In prayer, you must remember that God wants to speak to you too. Be more eager to listen than to speak.

*FURTHER STUDY:* Deuteronomy 4:36, Ecclesiastes 5:2

*GOLDEN NUGGET:* There is a difference between talking WITH God and talking TO God. In prayer, you must remember that God wants to speak to you too. Be more eager to listen than to speak.

*PRAYER:* Loving Father, I thank You for this truth. You have said in Your Word that You cause me to hear Your voice that You may instruct me. Today, my heart is open not just to Your voice but to Your instructions. Even in Your silence, I hear instructions because You have taught me how to listen to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.  


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