Submission 4(covering nakedness)

*Submission 4(covering nakedness)*

It is never possible to separate the aspect of covering nakedness from the principle of submission. One characteristic of submitted children is that they learn to cover the nakedness of their fathers, ministries,homes and institutions.

Until a man learns how to cover the nakedness of his authorities,it is never possible for such a man to receive his inheritance from the ministry,man of God or church he is submitted to.

Many people have been in church and around men and women of God but all their life,they have not exercised the habit of covering the nakedness of their authorities thus never Blessed.

The story of Noah, Ham, Japheth and Shem is partly symbolic of the principle of submission. When Ham saw the nakedness of his father,he did not take time to cover it but was rather excited and went without to tell his brethren. Ham is symbolic of christians who expose the weaknesses and nakedness of their authorities.

This act of Ham is what caused his father to curse Canaan, which was Ham’s inheritance. Everytime a man exposes the weaknesses of his spiritual authority, spiritual father etc,you frustrate your own inheritance. Just like Ham frustrated his own inheritance,you cannot receive your portion from that man or ministry.

If your pastor came to church with a torn trouser, a submitted child doesn’t leave church making fun of the man of God,but rather he buys him a new trouser or shirt. If your man of God had a worn out pair of shoes, a submitted child does not expose that weakness but rather buys him a new pair of shoes.

If you identified a weakness in the ministry you are submitted,you do not walk around with your mouth agape exposing the failures, nakedness and weaknesses of your ministry. The only thing you have to do is labouring to cover that weakness as a child.

Many men and women have never received their inheritance from places they are submitted to because they have not learnt how to cover the nakedness of their fathers, mentors, instructors and guides in the spirit. They are experts in slandering and spreading evil about their own men of God and women of God.

*Genesis 9:23 – And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father’s nakedness.* Shem and Japheth learnt to cover the nakedness of their father and were thus launched into their inheritance. They were ashamed to look at the nakedness of their father. They were elevated from servant hood.

*Genesis 9:26 – And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.* Enlargement and dominion came upon Shem and Japheth because they learnt to cover their father’s nakedness and weaknesses.

Do you want to receive your inheritance from a man, ministry you are submitted to? Learn to always cover his nakedness and weaknesses. Otherwise, men who expose weaknesses of their authorities remain servants forever like Ham.

*Further study:* Genesis 9:20-27, 1 Samuel 16:23.

*Nugget:* As a submitted child, learn to cover the nakedness of your man of God, ministry and leaders in fellowship. Exposing nakedness frustrates your inheritance. It is only men who cover the weaknesses and nakedness of their spiritual authority that enter and receive an inheritance.

Loving Father, I thank you for this truth. By your grace upon my life,I exercise to always cover the nakedness of my fathers in Jesus’ name.


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