*Submission 2(Covering and protection)*
In the Walk of salvation, one of the most important places a Christian must have is a relationship with the word and the Holy spirit. Everyone must exercise and practice a consistent pattern of hearing the Holy spirit and the word of God.
But other than the word of God,there are christians who have fallen and stumbled because they were not submitted. Prayer and fasting is not enough to preserve and sustain you in salvation. You need someone to watch over and monitor your soul.
In our theme scripture, Simon was submitted to Jesus. But the devil had desired to attack and stumble Peter. The only advantage Simon had was that Jesus prayed for his faith not to be shaken. Peter was not preserved because of himself,but because Jesus was a shade to him.
There are many things you are shielded from when you submit to someone, some of which you may never even know. Peter did not know that Satan had risen up his feet against him. But Jesus watched over Peter and the disciple was preserved.
*Hebrews.13:17 – Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.* He that you submit to is a watchman over your soul. And the scripture says he must give an acçountability concerning you.
You are supposed to obey and respect the men God has placed ahead of you. They are a covering, umbrella and shield to you over several attacks in the spirit. They watch over your soul, career, ministry and relationship.
*Acts.20.28 – Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.* The man you submit to is an overseer of your and soul. He has a responsibly to feed you as well.
When Peter was with Jesus, Jesus was an overseer to Peter. There are many things that Jesus preserved Peter from simply because he was submitted. There was a preservative grace upon Jesus for Peter.
The reality is that some men have stumbled because they were not submitted to someone. Some relationships have collapsed because they did not have an overseer. Some ministries have a lot of opposition because they are not submitted to higher ones. Submission is an umbrella and covering to you.
*Further study:* Acts 20:28, Hebrews 13:17.
*Nugget:* It is important for everyone to have a higher grace, higher annointing and higher glory he submits to. When you are submitted,it is a covering to you and a place of divine protection for your soul. Attach honor and reverence to the men you submit to in all things. They are watchmen over you.
Glory to God.
Lord Jesus, I thank you for your grace, love and mercy upon my life. I thank you for the people you have put ahead of me for instruction to the glory of your name.
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