Gal.5.4 – Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.
*Standing by Grace 1*
Many teachings on how to live like children of God have instead set believers’ hearts against the way of Grace.
This is seen in how we deal with the sin which easily ensnares us, in how we hope to fulfill God’s purpose, in our confessions, in how we commune with the holy spirit and so on. It proves how we have practically fallen out of the way of Grace; for example there believers whose speech is not seasoned by Grace. When you sit with them, you walk away wondering how had it is to walk with Christ.
In our theme scripture, one who falls from the revelation grace (God’s ability and power) is he who seeks to fulfill the obligations of the Law without Christ.
The only price to standing and walking in God’s ability and power is Faith, we continuously exercise our self in those places lest we fall from Grace.
*Further study* John 1:16-17 2Peter 3:18
*Nugget:* The only price to standing and walking in God’s ability and power is Faith.
*Prayer:* Loving father, I thank you for this truth. I thank you for Jesus Christ, I grow and increase in your grace. To the glory of your name, Amen.
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