*Study scripture:* 2Cor.10.4 -5 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,
casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,
When it comes to spiritual warfare many of us picture horses chariots swords and spears modern day guns,rockets, warships etc happening mysteriously in the spiritual realm but that’s not what the scripture is trying to emphasize intact it say those weapons are not carnal like those mentioned above.
And the battle ground likewise is not carnal there we see that the battle ground for spiritual warfare is right between our ears that is in our head(mind).
And the battle is not dominated by fighting and casting out demons but casting out thoughts and imagination against knowledge of Christ .
The greatest weapons the enemy will ever throw at you are not demons but *thoughts* because he knows you go in the direction of your Thinking (prov 23:7) with this we realise that warfare happens every moment of our lives at work,class,hostel etc not at 3am in the night
Therefore we have to keep our minds sober and steady renewed with the word of God just the way Jesus approached the weapons Satan threw at him during temptation because I believe all these 3 temptations came to Jesus as thoughts
*Further study:*
Eph6:12_17ff,heb 4:17,prov23:7
The greatest weapons the enemy will ever throw at you are not demons but *thoughts* because he knows you go in the direction of your Thinking
Father we thank you for opening our eyes about war fare we pray for further understanding of your word that our minds keep renewed with the word such that we can wage a good war of faith amen
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