Spiritual identity

Rom.10.10 With your whole being you embrace God setting things right, and then you say it, right out loud: “God has set everything right between him and me!” (MSB)

Spiritual identity.
To every believer who claims is born again made a step of believing before seing physically whether you doubt it or not. As long as you confessed Jesus as lord and savior, you obeyed the principle of believing in your heart before the physical manifestation.

This means every believer is first patterned to the spiritual realm than the physical because that is where is made and functions in. We operate in the spiritual realm than t he physical.

The reason believers are frustrated is because of patterning them selves to the physical than spiritual. Every time you function contrary to your nature you will be frustrated.

Rom.10.11 The Scripture says, No man who believes in Him [who adheres to, relies on, and trusts in Him] will [ever] be put to shame or be disappointed. (AMP).According to this scripture . Unless you believe unto the faith you confessed as a believer that you are born of God, he has provided everything to his riches, etc, you will always start from the physical and be frustrated and disappointed.

Refuse to corform to the standards of the world in which you were not made but to the Spirit in which you were born.

As long as you received christ by grace through faith, you ought to function by that principle to manifest in the physical because the fullness of God is already in you.

Further study.
1st Peter 1:4, 1st Peter 1:23, 1st john3:9.

I thank you God for I function by the spiritual realm of God, I function in by my nature, am born of God in Jesus’s name I pray and believe. Amen.


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