Service as an act of worship to God

1Cor.9.22 – To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.

*Service as an act of worship to God*

There is a conversation in the scriptures where Jesus gave a parable of a Master that gave talents to his servants before he left, when he came back scripture records this one specific servant who hid the talent given to him and when the master returned, he had kept it safe for him. According to common wisdom, you would think he did one of the right things but before the master that act wasn’t pleasing at all. Saints when it comes to service, the end of our labouring is that God is glorified. He loves it when his will is interpreted on the earth.

In our theme scripture, Paul says he is made all things to all men and the meditation he has at heart in becoming all things is that by all costs he could win them to the Faith in Jesus Christ. The consciousness we always carry as we serve matters alot because it’s not about how many chairs your cleaning as an usher in church, worship is in how you are esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the pleasures around you as you serve.

The end of our service must become worship to God, that’s how God has called us to represent him in our generation; this is the mind faithful stewards have, the very mind was in our Lord Jesus when he walked on the face of the earth ( Phil 2:5-8).

This is what preserves us awakened to the mind of purpose knowing that the sufficiency is God’s. Where worship is, alters are built; many are serving in ministry and a not having a personal relationship with God because to them service is just an opportunity to please God, saints we are serving a God who is already pleased with us but seeks for faithfulness in our labourings.

*Further study* Hebrews 11:24-26, Phil 2:5-8, 1Corinth9:24-25

*Nugget:* Saints when it comes to service, the end of our labouring is that God is glorified. He loves it when his will is interpreted on the earth

*Prayer* Loving father I thank you for the truth, examine the motives of my heart as I serve and conform them to your will, by your spirit in me I increase in this wisdom. In Jesus name, Amen!


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